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Celebrating Sister Nuala Kenny

August 14, 2024 Caring Communities

On August 15th, the Sisters of Charity celebrated their 175th anniversary, marking nearly two centuries of profound service and dedication. Among the remarkable women in this congregation is Sister Nuala Kenny, a resident at Caritas Residence, whose life and work have had an enduring impact on health ethics, policy, and pediatric care in Canada. Recently, Sister Nuala was awarded the prestigious King Charles III Coronation Medal, a testament to her significant contributions to Canada.

A Journey of Service and Leadership

Sister Nuala’s journey began in New York, but her calling led her to Canada, where she has spent decades shaping the landscape of healthcare. After moving from Toronto to Halifax, she became the Head of Pediatrics and Ethics at Dalhousie University, where her influence extended far beyond the walls of the hospital. Her work in bioethics, particularly in how to be a good pediatrician, has guided countless healthcare professionals in their careers.

Dr. Andrew Link, the current Chief of Pediatrics, credits Sister Nuala as the reason he pursued a career in pediatrics. Her mentorship and teachings on the importance of easy access to quality care for children have left a mark on modern medicine.

Sister Nuala’s influence also brought Sen Rosemary Moodie. Sen Rosemary, who specialized in pediatrics and earned an MBA from the University of Toronto and Queen’s University, speaks highly of Sister Nuala’s guidance. “Sister Nuala was instrumental in my journey,” she shares.

Celebrating 175 Years of the Sisters of Charity

As the Sisters of Charity celebrate their 175th anniversary, Sister Nuala’s story is a shining example of the congregation’s enduring mission. “To our very last breath, we live through our charity,” says Sister Nuala. “No matter where one of us is, all of us are.” Her words echo the spirit of unity and service that has defined the Sisters of Charity for nearly two centuries.

Sister Nuala Kenny’s receipt of the King Charles III Coronation Medal is a fitting recognition of a life dedicated to others. As we celebrate this milestone anniversary, we also honor the profound contributions of Sister Nuala and the Sisters of Charity, whose work continues to inspire and guide future generations.

Photo Courtesy: Melissa Falle, Communications Manager for Sisters of Charity