March 23, 2020
An update to our valued community,
Today, I want to take a moment to share another update and message of solidarity and preparedness during what is certainly an unsettling time for all of us. Going forward I plan on continuing with these updates once a week.
As of Sunday, Ontario, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have all declared states of emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While this will help manage the spread of the virus and save lives, it is also a clear sign of the seriousness of our current situation.
This has been particularly difficult for residents, families and team members. I want to reassure you that our entire organization remains focused on implementing our pandemic plan, as we have been for many weeks.
- We took early action to close our communities to visitors and implement advanced screening protocols for all employees consistent with directives issued by provincial public health bodies.
- While continuing to comply with all social distancing directives, we are working to increase recreation programming and staffing in order to offer more programs to keep residents engaged and active. All communities have programs in place to help families connect with loved ones through video calls, telephone calls, email or deliveries.
- Dining rooms and meal service have been adapted to ensure social distancing standards.
- Increased cleaning and disinfecting protocols have been introduced and continue.
- Our procurement team has secured additional medical and operational supplies at all locations.
- Culinary teams have increased food supply at each location to ensure a month’s worth of food in case of delayed deliveries.
- Each community is sending regular updates to residents and families. If you are not currently receiving these messages, please contact your community directly.
With the hard work of teams at all levels of our organization, these pandemic plan measures are reviewed and updated daily.
Although I am very confident in the precautions we have taken, we must all continue to work together. With gratitude, I want to recognize the tireless efforts of our Shannex, Parkland and Faubourg team members who are such strong supports for residents at this time. And thank you to family members and others who are sending messages of support to both residents and staff.
We are in this together and we thank all of you for your support.

Please refer to this page for ongoing updates related to our pandemic response and important information regarding the evolving novel coronavirus (COVID-19)